
  • Madarat tolláról, céget arculatáról?

    Miért fontos egy cég arculata?
    Legfőképpen azért, mert egy érdeklődő gyakran előbb „találkozik” a vállalkozás arculatával, mint valamelyik képviselőjével.

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  • About typography

    The word typography is of Greek origin. It is derived from the words τυπος (typos) "type" and γραφω (graphein) "to write". The art of typography was born when block letters first appeared. It is the technique of forming the printed version of written communication.

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  • The logo makes the company

    Visual appearance is a very important factor for starting and running a business. New clients and customers looking for professional services usually see the profile of the unknown company on a website, in a catalogue, in an advertisement or on a business card...

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  • Looks can be deceiving

    When looking through a printed publication, sometimes we face a harsh truth: what seemed good quality and print-ready on the computer screen looks "pixelated", poor and blurry when printed...

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  • Ten mistakes

    – you should avoid when ordering a printed publication.

    When planning and composing a printed publication—whether it is an advertisement, a catalogue, a brochure, a magazine or a book—it is useful to know the basic formatting requirements regarding the material before handing it in.

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  • Marketing basics

    Startup businesses and even businesses that have been present on the market for a few years have to face an important challenge every day: how can I successfully advertise my company? There are vast amounts of tips on the internet, and countless professionals are eager to give advice on how to find the right way for your business. And yet, it does not always work. So what is the key to success?

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  • Creating your own website

    Making a business visible online means creating its virtual headquarters. This is the interface that prospective partners will encounter, therefore it is important to carefully plan what the visitors will first see while browsing. However, many people are unsure of what steps to take to create a well-functioning website

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  • The wind of change

    Over the last decades, the use of computers has been increasing dramatically. With the wide adoption of tablets and smartphones, the market for printed press seems to be shrinking. Some say that in a few years’ time, reading a book could be an odd thing to do.

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Madarat tolláról, céget arculatáról?

Miért fontos egy cég arculata?
Legfőképpen azért, mert egy érdeklődő gyakran előbb „találkozik” a vállalkozás arculatával, mint valamelyik képviselőjével.

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About typography

The word typography is of Greek origin. It is derived from the words τυπος (typos) "type" and γραφω (graphein) "to write". The art of typography was born when block letters first appeared. It is the technique of forming the printed version of written communication.

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